Was super fun. Haha.
Im so glad we got to hang out w/ Beve and see the cute little town that is JH.Well we had some um... detours when getting there but eventually it all worked out. (I must say that there is a lot of creepy stuff going on at night when you are driving in the middle of nowhere and we had many thoughts of being murdered and taken away somewhere far while we were driving- obviously nothing happened but it was freaking freaky) We got there around midnight and werent really in the mood to do anything but sleep, haha. Pip and Darlene took the little extra room and me and Al took up the living room and futon. We slept in real good and lounged around... Of course we had to catch up w/ Farley as soon as we all woke and spent a few hours sitting on the bed talking and gossiping. FINALLY after we decided to get up Bekky Far made us a delicious breakfast w/ pancakes and (faux) sausage...mmmmmm!
We parked in what seemed to be the middle of Jackson and walked around a few blocks to the different shops and stores and stuff. (btw the weather was prrrrfect, not too hot and not too cold) There are these big arch-ways that are made of all the antlers from the elk refuge that apparently have fallen off the animals... anyway I thought it was kind of weird to decorate but whatevs. We totes saw lots of shirts w/ deer, wolves, bear, and mountains on them w/ super awesome sayings that you can only find in a place like that. OOOhhh not to mention all the bajillion stuffed animals... haha even little squirrelies!!
Well anyways we walked around a bit... went to the candy shoppe... clothes... shirt stores... etc. We didnt go in this store but yes there was a store called "Moose Be Christmas" Hahaha. Clever.
The day goes on and its time for some food, a girls gotta eat! We were gonna go to this vegan place- I forgot the name- but the lady was a b!tch and I bet their food wasnt even that good. As soon as we walk in-
"um I dont know if you guys are here to sit down but the kitchen is closed til 5" then pip says:
"well do you know if there is anything else around here that is vegan we can eat at" other girl:
"yeah, Im vegan too... you can go to the natural food store and go to like the deli" Duh, so lame.
Soooo we ended up going to this place called Bon-Appe-Thai and Im so happy we did cuz it was sooo good (and it was a cute little place w/ fresh roses and cute glass water bottles) Yum! Haha Hey Al- remember Woods motel...
After a fun filled time on the "boardwalk" we headed on to the Grand Tetons!!!
It was only like 15 minute drive to get there which I didnt even know they were so close... even the canyons here in Utah take forever to get too... anyways it was super pretty. Well I guess we didnt really go into the Tetons but we were close enough... we skipped some rocks and did some more talking as usual, and on our way back we saw some Elk- like a whole herd of them. They were cool.
Our adventure filled day was mostly filled w/ talking and eating and then some more of both together.
Good Times.After our talking and walking we hung out a bit at Beve's and D/Al/ and Farley had some spirits.. and we all snacked on candy (actually I dont think I have ever eaten more candy in one day than I did there, haha)
Of course our next idea was some food. We went to Nanis (?) and well I think they gave up on us the minute we walked in. Haha. The spaghetti was pretty much Ragu and noodles and we are pretty sure they gave us the bread from the table next too us. Did we complain? No... Did we eat everything? Yes. Its a hard knock life, alright.
Plus they made D's drink taste like hairspray and the girls that got salads got what was probably the weeds growing in the yard. Haha. Oh well.
So gabfest 2009 continued back at the apartment and we had some fun hangin out. Literally since Stevezie came out of the bedroom w/ some pj pants and a button up sweater... there was def some nipplage going on. Haha.
We ended up going to sleep around 1 or 2 ish and we were exhausted.
I dont think we slept in too late, well not as late as we did the morning before but it was enough time to get up, kinda get ready, and have some more good ol breakfast.
The drive home was a tad bit easier than the way there... not to mention everything is different in the day light... plus we didnt have as many thoughts of being murdered by the hills have eyes freaks. Haha.
It was totes a fun trip. I love the Bevesters and Im happy we got to party even if it was only for like 1 day.