Monday, January 24, 2011

Good to know.

I watched this documentary over the weekend and I think everybody should watch it. It is quite informative and makes you think!

I had to pull out my trusty (BPA free) water bottle and I am going to make sure I take it with me where ever I go!


I really need to go back to school. I am pretty sure I am going to study in some type of field w/ helping the earth, environmental studies, or even human studies.
I need to make a difference some how!

B & B!

We are getting our book club up and running again!!
The first meeting of 2011 will be this Saturday 1/29/10.
I am so excited! This will give me a reason to actually read more. I have tons of book ideas and ones that I have heard are worth reading but unless there is motivation, they just sit on my bookshelf and look pretty.
I am looking forward to talking about books too, sometimes its not an easy topic of conversation to bring up, but this will be such a good time.

I had a blog that I was using for books but it was one of those things that stuck for a month or two and then kind of fell into that deep hole of "things I want to do but dont ever do" Maybe I will start that up again.
Yay for books!!!

I need some advice!

So lots of people probalby know that I am slightly obsessed w/ Michelle Williams' style. I think she always has the cutest, sweetest, and down to earth style around. When I saw her on the newest Marie Clair I had to get it!
What a doll right?!
So I always think about cutting my hair way super short but I never have the cahones to do it. Here is where my inner torture comes in.
Look how great these pictures are w/ her and her super cute hair...

And I am thinking maybe I will do it. But should I? Will it be cute or will I regret and go through months of hair envy when mine looks like crap?
The reasons I am hesitating are as follows:
1) I dont want to look like a boy, especially with having tattoos I feel like its hard to look feminine and I would have to put in a lot more effort to get ready.
2) Is it more or less up-keep? I only want short hair if I can go really blonde and with my hair being super dark I would have to get it done on a pretty regular basis. Plus no pony's or buns... for awhile.
3) I think I would need to be thinner. I think in order for it to look good I would need to lose a few lb's.
4) I dont want to look older. MW does a great job of looking younger w/ short hair, but I think its one of those things where if its not done right it could add on like 30 years.
So what to do??

I think if I can meet some goals that I have maybe I will do this for spring/summertime, but I just dont know....

One good thing: if I do it will give me an excuse to buy more dresses...


What should I do?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New books...

Here are a few books that I got for Christmas that I have been too busy drooling over I havent had any time to talk about them.
My favorite one of the bunch is:
The Tattooed Lady: A History
by Amelia Klem Osterud
I thought this book was very intriguing because it gave a history as to why ladies (even back in the 1800's) felt the need to get tattoos. I think its neat to see the comparison of the "trendy" tattoos today to the old-school black and white tattoos of yesterday. It also goes into a lot of the history of tattoos and circus folk/women and how the tales that they would tell of their experiences getting the tattoos. Its really great.

Rock Candy
by Femke Hiemstra
This book is like a little folk tale, it has all sorts of little animals and creatures. It contains a lot of different types of pictures like sketches, ideas, and behind the scenes of her art. Not to mention she reminds me a little like Angelique Houtkamp (her personal style anyway, not artistic style) Its just a sweet little book.

High Fructose Collected Edition Vol 2: Under the Counter Culture
by Annie Owens & Attaboy
If you know about High-Fructose then you know that anything that comes out by them is going to be great. It got me thinking as to why I dont have a subscription to this great art magazine witch not only features up and coming artists but also highlights the greats like James Jean, Amy sol, Camille Rose Garcia, etc, etc. It is a great collection of unique and alternative art.

Weirdo Noir: Gothic and Dark Lowbrow Art
by Matt Dukes Jordan
At first I was a little apprehensive about this book, mostly because the first thought that came to my head was "Hey Im not a weirdo" but I think this book is meant to be a playful collection of different types of lowbrow art. It is great because it gives a timeline of the history of this kind of art and also goes into detail about why some people are inspired by the dark or creepy side of pop culture.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Happiest of birthdays.

Happy Birthday my dear friend Alex D!
You are such a great person and I am really lucky to have you in my life and to be able to count you as one of my best friends.
We have been on a lot of adventures together, been through a lot of crazy times, good times, and sad times.
Dont ever forget how amazing and beautiful you are inside, and out.
Thank you for being you.

I am excited to see where the road takes us, how many more shenanigans we can get ourselves into, how many more songs we can belt out while driving in the car, and how many more good times there are waiting for us.
Its going to be great.

Love you, girl.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I want, I want, I want...

If you dont know me very well, then you dont know that I love shoes. I use the word love a little loosely here because I really mean obsessed/can't live without/ consumed by... well you know what I mean. I cant help it, I just like them and they like me.
Here are a few pairs that I have been drooling over recently. If I had to choose my favorite, I dont know if I could. I love them all and I want them all.

Urban Outfitters




The good thing about loving shoes so much is that I cant ever decide which pair I want to buy... hence I dont ever spend my money... hence I am able to keep my addiction under control. Yay me!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Bekky!

You are the cutest, sweetest, funniest, smartest... (the list could go on and on and on) Anyways I think you are bad ass.
Happy Birthday girl!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

3-step vegan pizza

So here is a quick little recipe.

Step 1:
Order Papa Murphy's vegetarian pizza w/ no cheese.

Step 2:
Add Daiya Cheese and Veggie pepperoni.

Step 3:

Real fancy and real good.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope...

Year 2011 Overview

When it rains it definitely pours Sag -- and this year it's raining romance. Love hits a serious high note in 2011 after what may have easily felt like a dry spell to rival all dry spells. Just when you thought there was no choice but to embrace your path as the eternal lone gypsy, along comes an unparalleled amount of planetary activity in your romance sector to spice up your love life. In fact, that's an understatement considering the amount of amorous energy going on in your horoscope from May onwards.

With the Nodes of the Moon hitting your relationship houses, this is a very karmic and destined year, indeed. You'll have plenty of proper opportunities to figure out your true calling in life. Plus, the clarity you've so desperately been seeking about your relationships should become as clear as day over the next 12 months -- as long as you keep your eyes open to the myriad messages streaming in from every direction.

Jupiter, your lucky planetary ruler enters your work sector this June bringing some brilliant new opportunities for you to make money and build something lasting and meaningful. The more beauty in your world the better, and with Jupiter entering Taurus, you'll have more than enough aesthetic influence to keep you grounded and inspired until 2012. You haven't felt this excited about your work in about 12 years, so count your lucky blessings, Sag. All in all, 2011 is going to be a stellar experience chock full of plenty of reasons to celebrate!

[Fingers crossed!]