I didnt get to really shop around as much as I usually do but Gardner Village isnt really going anywhere so there's no reason why I cant go back any day.
The only think I noticed was that there was a ton of witches (obviously) but not really any from like movies and stuff ya know. It seems like in years before there was a bigger variety of costumes. Except this year we did see an man-wich- nope not the sloppy joe kind but the kind that is a man who dressed up as a witch. Haha.
Oh and I think the fortune teller was kinda whack, Haha. I mean she could at least make something up instead of looking in that little book, plus she kinda had man-hands and you cant trust anybody who has man-hands. It was seriously so fun though. I luhh you ladies.
I think this has totes been a succesful Halloween 2009 so far. Two more weekends to go!
We look sooooooo good! :)