Well sometimes I get in these moods where I love decorating stuff. I think I have a good style when it comes to decor however I dont know if I would be able to ever decorate/design for other peoples homes. I took this class in high school and my teacher loved me (not trying to brag but she did, haha) and she said I could have a career in it. The thing is I know what I like and what I think looks good but if people came to me and were like I want these colors, I would probably be like um that doesnt work. And plus Im not a big fan of neutral colors, well I am if they are used w/ other colors. Haha. Anyways these are my recent discoveries. Royal Animal Candle Cupcake Pedestal Matryoshka Measuring Cups Prints by Stilettoheights- Etsy
One day I am going to need a huge house in order to use all my ideas.
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