New adventures are in store, whether they are planned are not and I think this is going to be a summer to remember... because really, arent they all?
Among none-stop wearing of summer dresses, I plan on wearing the biggest wedges I can find. (Of course this is depending on if I can keep the gym up, haha)
I plan on watching this over and over. Its such a classic
With the new place I have LOTS to buy. Luckily I am a sucker for decorations so I already have a lot to work with but there are a few things that are going to be necessary that I dont have yet.
I saw this book and immediately added it to my list of "must gets"
Along w/ another book around the same ideas called The Big Ass Book of Crafts. I could seriously look at these all day, every day and never get bored of the creativeness they have to offer. They are going to be put to good use (as soon as I get them)
I cant wait to go swimming!
I loooove wedges and swimming! Its on like donkey kong!