Mouse love
So when I was little I was obsessed with Minnie Mouse. I thought she was the coolest thing ever. I seriously loved her, I had everything Minnie; shoes, clothes, bedroom decor, and yes I was her multiple times for Halloween. It was kind of a weird little obsession, because I had never been to Disneyland until my senior year of high school and I didnt really watch old Disney movies, which would be the only ones she would be in. It didnt matter to me though, I idolized her. She is such a cute little American Pop culture icon, she was then and she is now. Except now things are different. Forever 21 had some designs with her a few months ago and all though some of the stuff was cute, it just wasnt the same as before, and I didnt buy any of it. I dont know why, Im sure some of it has to do with me being a "grown-up" but I dont really know if thats the case. It was a great time in my life, a fun time, and all though I enjoy seeing pictures of Minnie, I dont know if I will ever have the same love for her that I had back then.

[All pictures from WeHeartit]
The next time we go to Disneyland we are getting minnie mouse ears and wearing them allllll day long! I loved her too and was also her for Halloween a couple times <3