Mister Heavenly...
Im not ashamed to admit the only reason I went to see Mister Heavenly at Kilby Court was to see that great little kanook that is Michael Cera. I probably would have been very disappointed in my self if I didnt go just to get a glimpse of his adorable face... The music wasnt that bad either. I dont know if I will listen to them, but it was fun and entertaining while I was there. Apparently its a super band, but I dont really know who any of the other guys were and as stated before, I wasnt really there for the music, just there for George Michael. They had a sound similar to Modest Mouse, obviously with a guy from that particular band, so maybe I will give them another shot, or maybe I will just look at this picture in silence...

How can you not love that smile? Funny that he played bass and thats what he played in Scott Pilgram vs The World and Nick and Nora's infinite playlist.
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