We left SLC fairly early in the evening and then had a super long layover in Vegas. I tried to get my sister to go gamble w/ me but she wouldnt. Then I thought we should maybe go shopping... How else where we supposed to kill 3.5 hours?? Haha.
Well we ended up just watching a movie on my mini dvd player. Plus there was an awesome little candy store and a little diner in the airport (which put forks in our fries, apparently you are supposed to use the forks for the fries??... yeah)
Haha and while we were walking around trying to kill time this sweet little old lady said she loved my luggage!! Go Betsey!!
We finally got to Cleveland about like 6 in the morning and then had another super long layover... 3 hours. We had the tired sillies... interrupted by these little birds in the airport... yes in the airport!
We finally arrive in Columbus about 10ish Sat and met our Grandma and Dad right there in the airport. (Oh and the humidity there is crrazy! It hits you like a freight train! Wheeew! Haha)
So we see them...first time! AAhhh! Haha. It was all good though.
We drove to Johnstown and got to see a very scenic view of Ohio. It was so pretty! Lots of corn, lots of white fences, lots of huge green trees.
Of course when we got to our dads we had to change really quick cuz we cant be hanging out being all dirty from the airport.
While waiting for everyone to get there we met one of my grandma's borthers- Uncle Bill. I love old guys who are kinda grumpy and love cars. I could spend all day listening to their stories.
We met up w/ our Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bill(who is soo nice btw and they are from Michigan) and went to lunch at this pizza place. When we first walked in there was a big table with all these old farmer men... who gave us the weirdest looks ever! I was so scared because I thought to myself "Ooohh no, this is gonna be horrible" but it turned out being ok. Everybody seemed to want to just talk and get to know eachother. So it worked out.
A little later we met our Aunt Lisa and Uncle Bill (yeah, there were a lot of Bills, haha). They are so funny and just super welcoming.
We had some delish dinner at this place called Don Patrons (I think it was the only Mexican restaraunt there!) It was kinda weird just hanging out but it was cool to just talk to everyone and slowly get to know them.
We set up shop at our dads. It was nice to just take it easy friday night... and the best part was we got to see lightening bugs! OMG. The most adorable things ever.
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