So its the age old question... Vampires versus Werewolves. I am reading a new book (Sorry B, I have your House of Night... which I need to finish the rest of em!) but its about vampires and I think there are werewolves in it too (of course)- Its called City of Bones and it got me thinking as to which is better... so I decided I needed to make a pro and con list of each of these creatures to really determine who is best.
pro- very attractive... con- too "pretty"
pro- smart (cuz they live forever)... con- who wants to date a smarty pants?!
pro- romantic... con- too sensitive
pro- they like to party... con- too much partying can be bad when you have other stuff to do.
pro- usually rich... con- (there isnt one to this)
pro- they love mortals... con- i think they just say this to catch you off guard and they can eat you later
pro- cute in a manly way... con- bad hygeine in a manly way
pro- warm!... con- a.c. is a must
pro- loyal... con- no independent time
pro- strong... con- too rough
pro- mortal (well some of them)... con- (there isnt one to this)
pro- they can go out in the daylight... con- (there isnt one to this either)
Hhmm... it looks like Werewolves are taking it... but I dont think this debate is over. Im gonna have to do a little more research.... which means lots more reading of these awesome fictional books!!! Muuuahahahaha.
I'm definitely going to have to do some research on this one too! The HON books don't have werewolves (does it?) so we cant use that one. I also read the Night World's first book and that one has vampires, witches, werewolves and shape-shifters, but it talks mainly about vampires and witches not the other two? So sadly girl, I don't know either!!!