We had to prepare ourselves too... Sunday was family reunion day!
(It was so nice, I wanted to wear a little sweater and my dad said to me "Are you trying to cover up your tattoos? Because you dont have too, they are pretty" Aww thanks dad!)
It started around 1 it was at our grandma's brothers house- Uncle Lee I believe...and we walked in to a million hello's! There were so many people I had to stop trying to remember people's names.
It was funny too because everyone kept saying "oohh the last time I saw you, you were 3 months old" (which is true because thats the only other time I've been to Ohio) and I didnt know what to say except.. "Oh cool" Haha.
OMG there was soo much good food there too. Good homemade food. Lots of potato things, salads, breads, and a whole table of dessert. So good.
All we did for the next few hours was say "hi, nice to meet you" and stuff our faces w/ all the good food.... There was even homemade ice cream!
- I should have taken more pictures of everyone... but I honestly didnt know who was who and I just kept thinking how weird it would be to be like Oh Hi, I'm your cousin... wanna take a picture? Haha.
It was kinda weird too because everybody asked where my mom was. I guess when you live in a small town living next to your family including brothers/sisters/cousins/aunts/uncles all in the same place it makes sense that everybody part of that family is welcome but my mom and dad have been divorced for like 22 years... so um yeah, she was in salt lake. It was cool but Idk, kinda crazy.
(I have to admit too that it made me kinda sad... I just kept thinking "Yeah my mom was supposed to be here but obviously that didnt work out, so please dont remind me about it, by asking me why she didnt come") I know they definitely had good intentions. Its just weird.
Apparently we were there on some of the hottest days of year... which was a little too much for the old folk. Haha. We went home and took a few pictures w/ my dad's new "project". So fun!
Well since me and my sister were kinda restless and didnt need afternoon naps my Aunt Nancy decided to take us to their outdoor mall. It was an adventure indeed since we had to take my dad's old truck and my aunt had never driven a truck before... Haha. I have to say it turned out to be SO AWESOME! Yes as everyone knows I love anything to do w/ shopping. It was a really fun place- imagine Gateway plus Fashion place! There was even this smoothie shop there and I just had to get the one called the Werewolf (I dont know why it was called that but it was yummy and had lots of anti-oxideants, haha)
After a day filled of lots of random stuff we just went back to our dad's and hung out for a bit. Since he is always working on his cars he usually has all of his friends over to hang out. We got to meet some of the 'crew' and talk to them about the differences between slc and ohio.
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