My grandma wanted to hang out w/ us some more before we were off.
We ended up going to her favorite store- HobbyLobby! Haha. I didnt even know they were nationwide! Haha. Its really funny too because she always has the craft ideas like making bird ornaments, drawings, paintings, crochet/blankets... I was like Heeey thats where I get all my random ideas from! Haha.
OH but before we went to the store we drove through this adorable little town called Alexandria (Of course it was cute, right Al! Haha) I guess it was just as old as Johnstown... and it had a cute little shop named Victoria's Parlour so of course I loved it.
not the best picture :(
We had lunch at this really cute place too. I totally forgot the name but once I remember it Ill have to update this thing. It had all stuff from local farms and dairies. I swear all we did there was talk and eat. Haha oh well, thats what fun is!
We took a few more pictures before we left and we had to take some rides around in the cars! My dad wanted us to meet some of his friends- he called them a bunch of "motorheads" Haha. I have to say they had to most awesome cars I have ever seen though! I didnt get any pictures, my sister got a few though. They were bad ass.
We had to make sure we saw everything we could and there was one last thing we didnt see. (I think it was at Uncle Lee's house again) but they had this train track that went outside! They had set up these model trains to go outside, under their deck, around their pond... it was cute. Plus everybody had like miles of backyard, I bet the kids all have a good time in the summer. So different than here.
Oh wait, I almost forgot... before we went to eat we saw this crazy building!! I guess they make these super expensive super fancy baskets there.( Yeah, I dont know) But anywho... check this out!!
So we got everything together and headed to the airport. The time home was a lot shorter than the time to our destination. Thank gawd!
Final pics before the good byes.
I think I can go awhile now without seeing an airport. Ugh.
(My poor sis's feet got so swollen at the end of the trip. Im sorry sis!)
Finally we got home about midnight! It was a great trip overall. Im glad I finally got to see all these people I never knew I was related too.
Everybody said it had been 25 years too long... I think I'd have to agree.
I missed Salt Lake so much and all of my besties. It was so scary but I think it was definitely worth it.
I need to send some thank you cards a.s.a.p. They were all so nice.
hell yeah girl! I'm so glad you had fun!