Thursday, October 1, 2009

Harry Potter theme park.

For reals... When are we gonna go??? I think we should go in spring next year... Who's in? I havent ever been to DisneyWorld or Universal Studios so it would be fun to spend some time there but we totes have to spend a few days at the Harry Potter theme park, maybe a week total for the whole package?
I can just see it now (well besides the pictures) and I know it would be pure happines and magic and everything awesome all rolled up into one amusement park little package.
Plus maybe if we start planning now we can get some of the details going and see if its possible or maybe check out the deals and watch for the best prices.
Im not even kidding at all- serious face on right now- We have to go. Haha.


  1. Oh my fucking god!!!
    Is it opened already?!
    I am sooooooo downs!

  2. I am in 100% no matter what. It was made for us!

  3. It opens in spring next year so I think that will give us PLENTY of time to plan an awesome trip. OMG.

  4. i am so so so down. harry potter .. no but harry potter theme park?? ... YES!

  5. It opens in the Spring. I'd wait until fall before you go. The first two months that it's open will be full of shit breaking and them still figuring out how to keep everything running for a full day without anything going wrong.
