Monday, November 2, 2009

Who's up for dragon hunting?

This is what I did on Friday during work... thank you Bekky Far Far:

Bekky: I wish magic was really out there. My life would be so much cooler if I could get ahold of magic!
Vic: Hahahah! Cooler and nerdier!! But I really do wish there was magic
Bekky: we can always just pretend.... then we'll never get married.
Vic: Would we be able to make people fall in love with us though?? Oh, oh ! we can use magic to make the best weddings ever! Plus they wouldn’t even cost anything cuz magic doesn’t cost right?
Bekky: nope it sure doesn't! Oh man lets get on it Vic.... my grandma always said that every myth or legend started from an actual fact... so that means that at one point there HAD to be magic right!?!?! right!?!?!?! my grandma was also in the mental ward...... probably should have mentioned that.
Vic: I totes believe it, plus people that are in the mental ward really know what they are talking about. They aren’t jaded by everyday life’s lies.
Plus there really was dragons right??
Bekky: well I did see a national geographic special where they found toads deep in the jungle that use certain gasses and seep them out of pores that make them hover over the ground, and those gasses ended up being flammable. So they are trying to prove that if small frogs can do it then prehistoric giant animals HAD to have been able to do it. It was a really long show and I don't remember all the details but I left with the impression that they were certainly alive at one time. And plus in all the old historical (like persian and asian and babylonian) records and old temples they found drawings and stories and in the Bible they talked about the fire breathing animal too... so I think there really could have been.
Vic: I believe they exist, I mean they have to right? Hello, they aren’t that far off of what a dinosaur would be plus there is all sorts of accounts of them from different types of people in different centuries and I don’t think they would have been able to steal each others stories ya know? Didn’t the Asians talk about them too? Its too much of a coincidence for all these people to know about them. Oh and I could have sworn I saw something about that thing too! There are lots of different kinds of lizards and toads with those similarities.
Bekky: yeah there are a ton! And the thing about back in those days is that all those different civilizations didn't have telephones, emails, newspapers and they were way too far apart to travel and tell stories (I mean an Asian isn't going to go to South America or the Congo) and they all have those stories. Actually there is this new big thing where I guess some of the more isolated/less developed tribes in S. America have stories of seeing things similar to Dinosaurs, and then they ran across the same thing in Africa. Like different remote tribes in these areas that are miles and miles apart can draw the same animals that they are seeing and scientists think that they are some kind of dinosaurs!
Vic: It has to be true. I think we have done the job of our friends over at mythbusters. Because there is no way that its not true, I mean come on the evidence is overwhelming.
Bekky: I wish we could actually be on an expedition that tries to prove something like this, woudln't that be awesome?!
Vic: Lets do it for real?
Bekky: done and done. how do we get funds? Victoria maybe it's time you put your wit and charm to good use and start flirting with a millionaire so we can get money to go on this expedition.
Vic: Hhmmm ok! I’ll see what I can find, I mean who I can find. It cant be that hard to find some old man w/ lots of money willing to support two young females on a world expedition to discover dinosaurs.
Bekky: Well you just have to get all dolled up and start hanging out at some classy wine joints. You always have to be by yourself and hang out in the vicinity of the older men. Then when a younger guy comes and hits on you, you just have to say loudly that no thanks and you are waiting for someone more mature and wiser to come talk to you. THen as the younger guy walks away you tie a cherry stem in your mouth toward the direction of the old guy and he is wrapped around your finger.... I have no experience in this.
Vic: Hahaha! oh right, of course you don’t. I need to get on that cherry stem thing, I never learned how to do that and I always end up drooling on myself.
But I definitely think it’s a good idea. I can get them all drunk and then take advantage of them, in the least I can get some cash and then maybe we should start a fund for dragon exploration. This is brilliant!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! This is classic! I have a job now, which means I have an email, which means we can email each other all day again for the first time in like a year!!!
